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Practice identifying fractions - click the 1 or 2 button to select:

1. Identifying the fraction of the shaded area of a shape.

2. Identifying the equivalent fraction of the shaded area.

Click the fraction that identifies the shaded area of the displayed shape and a check mark will appear. Click the problem, press the ENTER or RETURN key, or click on the reset problem button reset image to set a new indentifying fractions problem.

Click the yellow check mark to keep score! Select the number of problems by clicking up and down by the 25 default. After you think you've correctly answered a problem, tap the image or reset button. Each time you reset the problem, the left counter increases for a correct answer; the right counter counts the number of problems you've done. The black check mark will not appear when keeping score. When you've finished, your score will be shown.

The spinning math signs mean we're waiting on the server - if it goes too long, you can try pressing the reset button again.

Click the math teacher's apple apple image to return to the fractions home page.

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