Press here to CLOSE XEquivalent Addition Problems

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The addition problem on the left side of the equals sign is equivalent to the addition problem on the right side. That means they both equal the same number. One number is missing. Type in the number that makes the problem on the left equal the same number as the problem on the right. "Correct!" displays when you've typed in the correct number. Press reset reset image, click the math problem, or use the ENTER or RETURN key again to make a new math problem. Move the pointer over the ? for help.

Click the yellow check for quiz mode. Select the number of math problems to do by clicking up and down by the #10 default. Each time you reset the problem, the left counter increases if the answer is correct; the right counter counts the number of math problems you've done. The "Correct!" mark will not appear in quiz mode. However, if your answer is incorrect, then the correct answer will be shown on the bottom right when you reset the problem. When you've finished, your score will be shown.

If the math symbol circle keeps on spinning, click reset again.

Click the teacher's apple apple image to go to the math flash cards home page.

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